Static Routing

Static routing is a straight forward process. If you want packets to be routed between two routers, update each router’s routing table with the network address of the other router as well as the path to get there

This is how it is done,
  • Name the routers and give the Ethernet and Serial ports desired IP address

  • When you give IP addresses, make sure the serial link that connects both the router are in same network

  • Add the destination network to each router’s routing table using the add route command in the Global config mode.

Let’s configure static routing in the network shown below,

  • Assign IP address to the Ethernet and Serial ports of the first router R1
  • Set the clock rate to 64000 at the serial port of DCE - Data Communication End. When two routers are connected in a network, one acts as the DCE and the other as a DTE – Data Termination End


  • Now add the destination network to the routing table and check whether it is connected serially using show ip route command

  • The same procedure is done on the second router. Once this is done, you can ping all the ports successfully

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is Naveen.Nice explanation.I am new to this community.

We can also write the static route using local connected serial interface.This may take only one routing table lookup for forwarding the packet.

R1(config)# ip route serial0/0.